
pymnet.read_ucinet(netinput, couplings=('categorical', 1.0), fullyInterconnected=True)

Read a network in UCINET DL format.

See for informal definition of the format. This implementation is based on the provided url and some example files at the UCINET website.

netinputstr, Iterable

The input file name if str, otherwise any iterable.


Passed for MultiplexNetwork when the network object is created.


If False, nodes having zero degree on a layer are not added to that layer.


The labels are not case-sensitive according to the example files. This function solves this problem by setting all the labels to lower case.

Currently, the network is assumed to be unweighted, and if the input file contains a directed network, then an undirected network is returned anyway. The directions are removed in a way that i and j are connected if there is either link i->j or j->i (or both).